Opening hours

monday-thursday 11-22 (21)

friday 11-24 (22)

saturday 13-24 (22)

sunday closed

kitchen service break workdays between 14-16


Restaurant NOBI offers fantastic experiences, delicious dishes and drinks at the prime spot by the Aura river delta! Restaurant NOBI’s style is influenced by the tastes of Asian cuisine. Thanks to its wonderful location, NOBI is an idyllic place to come and enjoy after work or dinner with a small or a large group.

Glazed pergola

Welcome to enjoy the wonderful scenery at the top spot in Turku.

Our popular glazed pergolas are open again every day! The same food and drink menu is available to order as in the restaurant’s main hall.

Reserve a table from the cozy heated pergola and come enjoy!

Korean x NOBI

Viiden ruokalajin Korean BBQ menu.

Tule nauttimaan illallista Korean BBQ henkeen ravintola NOBIin. Tarjoilemme viiden ruokalajin menun. Tarjolla myös teemaan sopivaa juomapakettia.

Ei lounasta tiistaina 14.11.

Huoltotöiden takia, olemme suljettuna lounaan ajaksi tiistaina 14.11. klo 16 asti.

Avaamme jälleen illalla klo 16, tervetuloa!