The best way to reach us by phone, is during sales service opening hours between 9.00–16.30 on weekdays. During the evenings and weekends, we may be busy serving customers, which is why we don’t always have time to answer the phone. If your contact matter is not urgent or related to the current day, we recommend you to contact us via email. Reservations for less than 7 people can easily be made online. Reservations for 7+ people, other enquiries and messages are best handled through email.
Terrace table reservations are weather dependent!
sunday–monday closed
tuesday–thursday 11-22 (21)
friday 11-23 (22)
saturday 15-23 (22)
kitchen service break at 14-17
(restaurant closed during service break)
The restaurant has accessible entrance.
Viiden ruokalajin Korean BBQ menu.
Tule nauttimaan illallista Korean BBQ henkeen ravintola NOBIin. Tarjoilemme viiden ruokalajin menun. Tarjolla myös teemaan sopivaa juomapakettia.
Huoltotöiden takia, olemme suljettuna lounaan ajaksi tiistaina 14.11. klo 16 asti.
Avaamme jälleen illalla klo 16, tervetuloa!